Dry needling is a successful medical treatment using acupuncture needles to treat pain and dysfunction caused by the neuromusculoskeletal system. It is successful in the treatment of muscle spasms, pain, tension headaches, overuse/tendonitis and referred pain patterns. This treatment is different from acupuncture and utilizes western medicine techniques and principles.
Dry needling works through the dorsal horn to extinguish muscle trigger points/spasms as well as locally in the muscle itself. There are electrical and chemical changes associated with dry needling which aid in the healing process. This form of treatment works well on chronic and acute injuries, ranging from chronic pain conditions to sport and work related injuries.
Dry needling remains one part of the medical treatment of neuromusculoskeletal conditions. A close look at biomechanics is required to minimize reoccurrence of the condition, therefore; dry needling is best used in conjunction with exercises and education for optimal recovery.
Trained physical therapists utilize various needling techniques based upon specific need. The length and thickness of the needles used will depend on body size, condition, and location of treatment. Each needle will be inserted through the skin at specific locations release trigger points and stimulate mechanoreceptor feedback to inhibit pain and muscle tone. A small pinprick, followed by a mild to moderate muscle ache and twitch during treatment is commonly felt.
There is very little risk associated with this technique when performed properly by a trained and licensed physical therapist. Slight redness or bruising at the needle insertion site might be present as well as an occasional sympathetic response. These symptoms will fade quickly with no lasting ill effects. Most commonly, clients will require approximately 6 sessions over a 3 to 6 week period of time in combination with physical therapy.
Dry Needling is now offered at Center for Physical Excellence. Please call 928-442-0005 or contact us here with any questions you may have regarding our newest service offered.