What is Direct Access in Physical Therapy?
Patients can seek physical therapy services without a prescription. Read more now.
Patients can seek physical therapy services without a prescription. Read more now.
This Article from the NSCA’s Journal in their Point/Counterpoint section discusses the benefits and risks of performing deep squats. A deep squat is considered to be when the knee joint bends beyond 90 degrees and the femur (thigh) is below parallel to the ground.
What is it? There are several theories regarding the cause of vertigo or BPPV but all start with the basic parts or anatomy of the inner ear. Each inner ear is composed of canals, which are filled with fluid and contain crystals lining the walls, which are attached to a collection area. As we age…
Getting In Shape Prior to Surgery Can Make Recovery Easier Most people facing the need for surgery do their homework first to pick their surgeon, read up on their surgery and speak to others who have undergone a similar intervention. Some may still feel nervous or worried as to whether or not they will bounce…
Steady advances in research for the treatment of low back pain have occurred discussing the efficacy and effectiveness of physical therapy for low back pain. As the reimbursement climate changes, physical therapists and medical doctors must continue to search for and provide the most cost effective care possible to the patient. This document…
Weekend warriors are trying to hold aging at bay. Are you someone who has developed aches and pains related to your physical activity? Have you resorted to drugs or surgery to stop the ravages of aging? Erika Feinberg, CEO of Active Forever said, “There are three major solutions to aches and pains: drugs, slowing down…
Even very small changes in muscle size can make a big difference in strength. This is especially true in people who already have lost a lot of muscle. Increased strength improves your ability to do things such as getting up from a chair or climbing stairs. Your muscles are active even when you are sleeping.…
You Do!!! That’s right. Many people don’t know it but you have a right to choose your provider. You have freedom to choose where you go for physical therapy with the exception of a small number of self insured companies and HMO Plans. All patients have a common law right, based upon court decisions, to…
Shoulder pain is a common diagnosis treated at our facility. Muscular and skeletal causes are normally to blame. Examples of musculoskeletal causes include rotator cuff inflammation and tears, bursitis, rubbing of bone on a tendon, and lack of coordination of shoulder muscles. On occasion, nerves in the neck area may actually be the cause of…
Starting aquatic therapy early led to better physical function in patients having total knee replacement, although early water-based exercise did not appear to be beneficial in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty, a German randomized study suggested. Early institution of the pool-based therapy after knee replacement was associated with improved physical function, with effect sizes ranging from…